ALP Session object
Session object is accessible for the scripts executed by the ASP module - raw and ASP compatible pages. It holds values and objects that the pages can save for application wide usage across the request boundaries. It is assumed that Session object lives with the current user session. Because ALP works locally and have only one user the Session object has most often the same scope as the Application object. The only difference in the ALP is that default settings for the Session object specify life time 20 minutes. If the user does not interact with the current application for 20 minutes Session object is destroyed and recreated when referred. Setting can be overridden in the local ALP Application settings but it is not recommended if classic ASP compatibility is important.

ALP Engine manages Session and the other global objects itself thus ASP module is responsible only for the object creation and obtaining.


collection.gif (368 bytes) Contents - Contains a collection of values and objects that can be set and read by the scripts in that application.

collection.gif (368 bytes) StaticObjects - Contains a collection of the objects created using the <OBJECT RUNAT=SERVER> tag in the global.asa


prop_rw.gif (218 bytes) Value - default indexed property - writes/reads to/from the Contents collection

prop_rw.gif (218 bytes) CodePage - Read/Write property. Sets/Gets the code page used by the ASP pages in the same ALP Application. 


method.gif (107 bytes) Abandon - Destroys the current session object and its contents.

Session scope is the scope of the ALP Application. Each Virtual ALP site implicitly defines an ALP Application which has the same boundaries as the virtual site. However, you can create more separate ALP Applications in a single Virtual ALP site. See the ALP Settings shell extensions and the ALP Configuration for more information.

See also the usage samples in the Value property's page.

Classic ASP features not supported in ALP:

Session.Timeout - dummy implementation. The session life-time can be set only in the ALP Application settings.

LCID - dummy implementation. This property is not supported intentionally. It may tempt you rely on system features that may fail on some machines. LCID in the classic ASP relies on the fact that the server machine has the locale related files installed, this cannot be guaranteed on a consumer workstation! For Date/Time formatting independent of the platform and the locale system settings you can use the StringUtilities object.

SessionID - not currently supported.

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