(activates) the thread maintained by the object. Until the method is
called the internal thread is not started. After starting the thread
it initializes and waits for Execute
Set thread = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.COMThread")
thread.Execute someobject,"somemethod"
Creates a COM thread, activates it and requests execution of some
method on some object. And more detailed version.
Set ap = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.COMApartment")
Set obj = ap.CreateObject("Some_Object_ID")
Set thread = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.COMThread")
thread.Execute obj,"somemethod"
How to execute another script? Here is a simple example. You will
need to preserve object references to the script host, thread and the
apartment somewhere outside the current ASP page - the best place is
Application (see also the sample in the COMApartment
' Create an apartment
Set ap = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.COMApartment")
' Create a script host in it
Set host = ap.Creator.CreateObject("newObjects.Scphost.ScpMan2")
' Open the script from a file
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set file = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("thread.js"),&H40)
' Set idle priority to the task
ap.Priority = -15
' Initialize a script interpreter
b = host.LoadEngine("JScript")
If Not b Then Response.Write "FAILED to load the engine<BR>"
' Read the script from the file and add it into the host
b = host.AddText(file.ReadText(-2))
If Not b Then Response.Write "FAILED to load the script<BR>"
' Give the script a reference to an object accessible for
' the ASP pages as well
host.Add "State", Application
' Create the thread
Set thread = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.COMThread")
' Preserve the objects involved in the Application
Set Application("Host") = host
Set Application("Ap") = ap
Set Application("Thread") = thread
' Activate the thread and then execute the script by calling the
' script host's Run method
thread.Execute host, "Run"
Response.Write "Thread started<BR>"
Response.Write "Thread busy indication: " & thread.Busy & "<BR>"