1.0 (beta). This file documents software in beta state and is subject
of change without notice.
Overview, Using
NetProbe, Object reference
NetProbe is a protocol independent ActiveX intended for
sending and retrieving information through any protocol registered on
the local system. It was tested with standard protocols like http,
ftp, file and with custom protocols like res, mk (MS HTML
Help protocol), alp (Active Local Pages) and others. So
NetProbe is not just a tool for internet, but also universal tool able
to fetch/send information through any available protocol no matter if
it is a network oriented protocol (such as http) or a local processor
(such as alp and mk).
Example tasks that can be done with NetProbe:
Fetching information from a CHM (HTML help file) file and
embedding it into the pages generated on the WEB server (with a few
lines of ASP code)
Sending requests POST, GET, PUT to remote servers and working
with the returned data
Using external protocol engines as content servers in
applications running on the desktop or on the WEB server. For
example an application (or even ASP page running in IIS) may request
ASP page to be executed by the ALP engine and do something with the
Fetching information from the internet. The NetProbe runs the
same way as Internet Explorer and is able to fetch everything IE is
able to download.
Synchronization/data exchange between machines/servers. For
example an ASP page can download news from other servers (in any
format) and select something to show.
NetProbe supports features required sometimes by the protocols -
such as authentication, request/response headers manipulation. The
requested information can be accessed as string or binary data as
appropriate. Using additional controls (such as Storages and Files from
the ActiveX Pack1 or a XML parser) NetProbe is able to provide all
the required services for network or network-like communication and real-time data
exchange. The data can be posted/sent through NetProbe in user-defined
formats - for example if the application wants to post a form or
upload files.
NetProbe comes in two forms - both and freethreaded.
The applications are able to create and manage pools of NetProbe
objects and are provided with certain synchronization services (for
the freethreaded case mostly). For example an ASP application can create
several NetProbe objects and keep them in Application variables. Then
the ASP pages are allowed to wait/occupy a NetProbe object and use it.
These features allow the application to optimize its network functions
depending on the expected transfer and requests count.
The applications that use NetProbe can set Timeout which means in
this case "time limit" for the requested operations.
This allows the server applications to control the time spent for the
network operations and response to their clients in time. The actual
timeout value depends on the system settings of the protocol used and
may differ.
Internal structure. Internally NetProbe consist of two parts
- the NetProbe object and a "call back" object not visible
for the external applications. When created NetProbe automatically
creates a thread with the "call back" object running in it.
This object handles the requests and thus does the real work. So each
instance of NetProbe has a thread running in the background. Is this a
problem? In fact most of the Windows API functions that implement
similar functionality in an easy-to-use manner use one or more threads
so the NetProbe behavior is not unique.nor problem - controlling the
object's life time the application has full control over the system
resources used by the object. This behavior means that applications
which need multiply concurrent network operations should prefer pools
of NetProbe objects.
The examples below are simplified
versions of the examples packed with NetProbe. The packed samples are
written in ASP and are designed for ALP (Active
Local Pages) primary usage. Some of them use additional components
and you will need to install them in order to use the samples. Before
starting them take a look at the README.TXT file in the samples
Simple usage in ASP page.
Let us fetch a resource first. We need to create and configure the
object and send a request.
Set np = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.NetProbe")
If np.Request("http://server/resource") Then
If np.ResponseMIME = "text/plain" Then
' Do something with it - for example display it
Response.Write np.ResponseText
' Not the content type we have expected.
End If
' Fatal error
End If
The error detection
The error detection can be a problem sometimes. With HTTP or FTP
everything will be ok unless a proxy server doesn't return incorrect
HTTP codes, but with custom protocols everything depends on the
protocol concepts and developer's idea. So you may need to test them
before starting your project. Unfortunately this area is not well
covered by the Windows API (URLMonikers and Asynchronous Pluggable
Protocols) and the protocols have certain freedom to behave in
different manner which makes impossible to implement universal error
detection mechanism.
Extending the above example We can do the following:
Set np = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.NetProbe")
If np.Request("http://server/resource") Then
If np.ResponseMIME = "text/plain" Then
' Do something with it - for example display it
Response.Write np.ResponseText
' Not the content type we have expected.
End If
Response.Write "An error was occurred: " & np.ErrorCode & " " & np.Errortext
End If
Which will show the HTTP error occurred as it was reported in the
Other protocols may have no standard error codes or the abstraction
layer (URLMonikers) may hide the details. So in general you cannot be
sure what kind of error has been occured. Therefore if it is not too
important you may limit your error handling to the minimum - ensuring
first that the protocol returns errors instead of error screens for
example. Let us put a page from HTML help file (CHM file) into ASP
Set np = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.NetProbe")
If np.Request("mk:@MSITStore:" & Server.MapPath("sample.chm") & "::/sample.htm") Then
content = np.ResponseText
content = "Error reported: " & np.ErrorCode & " " & np.ErrorText
End If
Set np = nothing
Here comes the content from the CHM file
<%= content %>
Simple form post
NetProbe supports not only fetching but also sending data. The
different protocols may name such actions with different names -
upload, post and so on, however the process is almost identical with
all of them. The important differences are the data encoding and other
parameters certain protocol may need in order to accept the data
correctly. Being universal NetProbe does not interfere in this process
in dept. In fact many environments supply the required features or
other components can be used to perform the encoding/decoding actions.
Note also that many protocols allow custom (application defined)
ways of sending data which makes the possible forms almost infinite.
The user's opinion will be interesting for us and we may add some
components in the DLL (or in another DLL) for the most popular
scenarios in future.
So let us post a typical HTML form, but without HTML and a browser.
Suppose we want to send values named "A" and "B":
Set np = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.NetProbe")
np.RequestMethod = "POST"
np.PostData = "A=Value1&B=Value2"
np.FormPost = True
If np.Request(http://server/page.asp) Then
If np.ResponseMIME <> "text/plain" Then
content = "The page returned unexpected content type: " & np.ResponseMIME
content = np.ResponseText
End If
content = "Error reported: " & np.ErrorCode & " " & np.ErrorText
End If
Note that we set the RequestMethod to "POST" which will
be probably expected by the page we refer on the remote server and
also note that we set the FormPost property to True which ensures that
the request will be tuned correctly for the FORM post case. NetProbe
supports some hidden features related to the popular request methods.
They are implemented in order to solve the problems caused by windows
API for Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols and are able to do it not
only with the HTTP protocol but also with any protocol that tries to
resemble HTTP. So setting FormPost to True instructs NetProbe to do
this automatically.
Another interesting piece of code is the encoding. The PostData is
a string in this case and it must be URL encoded. In this simple
situation we do not need any encoding because we send simple ASCII
data but in practice you will need to do something more. Let us
concentrate over the encoding then - suppose the values of A and B
come from some variable values - vA and vB. Then we will need to
prepare the PostData string as follows:
' The other code is omitted for brevity
Dim postString
postString = "A="
postString = postString & Server.URLEncode(vA) & "&"
postString = postString & "B="
postString = postString & Server.URLEncode(vB)
np.PostData = postString
' The other code is omitted for brevity
If the variable names may vary you will need to perform URL
encoding over them too - to ensure they will not contain characters
that will damage the post string.
Advanced data send/receive scenarios
Send a file
The standard HTTP file upload is based on a standard that is too
complex for some scenarios and does not worth the efforts needed. Also
if you need to send a file from one server to another there is no
browser around and there is no need to follow any such a standard if
everything depends on you (Note that the same can be done with ALP
from the client machine to the server). So let us do it in the
simplest way. Note that the sample uses the Storages and Files
components from the newObjects
ActiveX Pack1 - you will need to install them on the both ends.
So on the client side (which sends the file) we will have something
like this:
Set np = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.NetProbe")
np.RequestMethod = "POST"
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set f = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("README.TXT"))
np.PostData = f.ReadBin(f.Size)
If np.Request(theURL) Then
If np.ResponseMIME <> "text/plain" Then
result = "The page returned unexpected content type: " & np.ResponseMIME & vbCrLf & _
"And the following content: " & vbCrLf & Server.HTMLEncode(np.ResponseText)
result = np.ResponseText
End If
result = "Error reported: " & np.ErrorCode & " " & np.ErrorText
End If
We expect plain text response from the page on the server in this
example and if the content type is not what we expect probably the URL
is incorrect or the page placed there is not our page.
On the server side which receives the file we have:
Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set f = sf.CreateFile(Server.MapPath("README-RECEIVED.TXT"))
size = Request.TotalBytes
f.WriteBin Request.BinaryRead(size)
Set f = Nothing ' Close the file
Response.Write "Success: File has been saved as README-RECEIVED.TXT (Totalbytes: " & size & ")"
Response.Write "Error: Incorrect request method"
End IF
The process is simple - the "client" page reads the file
and posts it to the "server" page which reads it with the
Request.BiaryRead ASP method and saves it to the disk - no need of
anything else. In real situation we will need to add some more
precautions for wrong uploads and incorrect requests, but this will
not be anything hard to do - may be no more than a few lines of code.
Comparing this to typical HTTP upload from a form it is many times
simpler even with some upload helper components.
The Timeout property value could be important in this case.
It defaults to 60s which gives the NetProbe time limit of 60 seconds
to complete the task. The above example is in an ASP page and it must
complete for no more than a few seconds and show something to the user
- even an error will be better than long timeout. Therefore in a real
case we can use the Timeout property to limit the time interval
allowed for the operation and show timeout error if the operation
takes too much time. If the files sent are always small a small
timeout value will be a good idea, but in case of bigger files (1Mb
for example) we will need to give the NetProbe chance to complete its
work and set a timeout greater than 60 seconds. One simple rule to
determine the time limit could be defined as the lower connection
speed expected on the client machines multiplied by 2 times the size
of the maximum size of the data being sent.
Consider the fact that Timeout in NetProbe means time limit! This
is more suitable to the NetProbe purposes than anything else because
NetProbe must not hang forever no matter if the operation continues
successfully but too slowly.
These basic techniques just show the basics. Much more can be done
with NetProbe combining its power with other components. In fact our
aim is to give you universal mechanism to transfer data - and
everything else depends on your needs. The data sent can be processed
on the "server" side by some XML parsers for example or you
may want to implement generic data exchange mechanism and parse the
incoming data as some settings in format you defined previously. You
are not limited to any standards nor to any protocols - if certain
protocol supports certain feature you can use it as like any other
protocol with NetProbe - one good example is ALP - it behaves like
HTTP but works on your local machine without WEB server or network
requirements. In some cases you may want to ask it to do some work for
you and use the result. Ok, there is no problem post/send some data to
it and then get the result and use it in your application.
One of the most interesting areas of NetProbe usage are generic
implementations of mechanisms similar to the WEB services. Having data
transfer under control you are able to implement any kind of
communication through any protocol. If you do not need to follow the
standard or part of the environments you support do not have support
for it - well, you can do what you need yourself or even implement
SOAP over NetProbe (we will do this in near future).
What about synchronization?
n ASP for example creating a NetProbe and releasing it in each ASP
page that needs it will be good enough if this happens from time to
rime but if the usage of NetProbe is too frequent optimization will be
required. Here come the features designed to help the developers to
reuse the NetProbe objects. We will demonstrate the usage of
Borrow/Free methods pair.
If Not IsObject(Application("NP")) Then
Set Application("NP") = Server.CreateObject("")
End If
We ensure the Application("NP") holds one free-threaded
NetProbe object. This can be done also in global.asa, of course but we
prefer to pack the sample in one file. Now a page must Borrow,
use the object and finally Free it
If Not Application("NP").Borrow(True) Then Err.Raise 1,"Pool sample", "Cannot borrow the NetProbe object"
If Application("NP").Request("some_URL") Then
content = Application("NP").ResponseText
content = "Error reported: " & Application("NP").ErrorCode & " " & Application("NP").ErrorText
End If
Of course this is the most simple form of pooling- just one object
is used in the entire application. More functional usage will involve
also the IsBusy property and a function that will wait/return
the first free NetProbe.
In most cases the technique explained above is not needed. But
suppose you have applications, may be not ASP or combined ones, that
need to transfer data between each other too frequently. Then you will
need to total control over the network overhead they cause and memory
consumed. Using the Borrow/Free/Busy methods you can design the
appropriate behavior without need of additional software (such as
Microsoft Transaction Server/COM+ services).
Threading model: both
ProgID: newObjects.utilctls.NetProbe
ClassID: 873097F5-C1D1-4142-9713-0295DD374D44
Threading model: free
ClassID: 329C3A26-23A2-405c-A93D-63D7A38EB0E3
Request definition members |
 |
RequestMethod |
(string) Request method name. This
is protocol specific, however most protocols support
"GET", "POST", "PUT" methods or
part of them. The request methods are defined initially in the
HTTP specification but the windows URLMoniker API treats them as
abstract scheme often used by the custom protocols (such as res,
mk, alp). "GET" method is default (empty string will
cause GET method to be used).
Remarks: Note that most of the custom protocols
do not need any specific request method (e.g. the request method
has no meaning - for example protocols like res or mk).
Protocols that simulate WEB server behavior (like alp) support
also POST method. |
 |
Username |
(string) User name to be used if
authentication is required. |
 |
Password |
(string) Password to be used
if authentication is required.
Remarks: Authentication is usually required by
the internet related protocols like http and ftp. It is rarely
implemented by the custom protocols that work with local
resources in a network like manner. |
 |
RequestHeaders |
(string) Additional headers
application needs to send with the request. Each header must end
with <new-line> (including the last).
Remarks: Part of the headers are automatically
generated. If the application needs to replace some of them it
should put it in this property and the application defined
header will override the auto-generated header. For example this
is useful if you want to specify specific custom MIME type for
the post data or change the user agent string.
Note that headers have meaning only with the HTTP and HTTPS
protocols. Unfortunately the standard defined by the
corresponding Windows APIs does not include headers for the
other protocols. |
 |
RequestMIME |
(string) MIME type of the posted
data. This property is a helper - the same can be done by adding
custom Content-Type header in the RequestHeaders property.
Remarks: As it is mentioned for RequestHeaders
property this feature is functional only for HTTP/HTTPS
protocols because of the API limitations. |
 |
PostData |
(variant) The data to be sent. The
data must be string or binary data. As in all the
popular environments and components binary data is VT_UI1 |
VT_ARRAY (compatible with ASP in IIS/ALP with ADO, Storages and
Files and so on).
Remarks: NetProbe will not perform any encoding
over the binary data - it must be encoded and prepared by the
application. There are many standards and ways to send data. To
determine if you need any encoding and which one review the
protocol documentations and consider the server application
capabilities. For example your own ASP page on a server may
expect raw non-encoded data in which case you will not need to
do anything else than putting the data in this property. And
contrary if you want to send data to an ASP page that expects
file upload, for example, you will need to take care to pack the
data using the multipart/form-data encoding. Therefore encoding
depends on the "other side" and you need to prepare
your data in the appropriate form for it - and if the both sides
are yours you are able to make them simple if the internet
standards are not important in this particular case.
If the data is a string it is converted or not converted
depending on the unicodePost property and the codePage property.
Usually the text data should be sent as ANSI text, but in case
of custom application you can force the NetProbe to send unicode
text by setting the unicodePost property to True.
If you want to post a form you will need to set an URL
encoded set of variables in this property. For example a form
containing 3 fields F1, F2, F3 with some values -
"val1", "val 2", "val 3" should be
posted as:
Many environments have built-in URL encode routines (IIS,
ALP) and the application may use them to encode the posted
data. |
 |
FormPost |
(Boolean) A helper property that
helps you to configure correctly typical form POST request. If set to
true property will set a Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and will tune also some other parameters. In other words if you
want to simulate posting a form from a HTML page set this
property to True.
Remarks: IIS requires this content type to be
set in order to serve the parameters send in the PostData in the
Request.Form collection to the requested ASP page.
If set to true this property will override the formUpload
Note that there is no clear mechanism to recognize the
"meaning" of the post for the custom asynchronous
pluggable protocols (non-internet related). This property tunes
the binding operation to behave in manner similar to the HTTP
protocol and thus most custom protocols will successfully
recognize the post as typical form post. |
 |
formUpload |
(Boolean) Like the FormPost property
but tunes the request for multipart/form-data encoded forms.
These are the forms used for file uploads. If you want to send
request to a page/server which expects file upload form set this
property to True. |
 |
unicodePost |
(Boolean) Sends string PostData as
unicode text.
Remarks: Most protocols expect ANSI text, but
if you are going to use some ASP pages or CGI scripts with
NetProbe only you can design the requesting application to send
unicode text and thus skip any encoding problems. |
 |
codePage |
(long) A code page value. If the
unicodePost is False any string posted through the PostData
property will be encoded using this code page. |
 |
Timeout |
(long) Time limit in seconds.
Default is 60. This property sets a time limit for the
operation. No matter if the operation is successful or not it
will be cancelled if the time limit is exceeded.
Remarks: NetProbe is intended for many
different purposes including usage on WEB servers. So time limit
is an important feature that allows the application to specify
absolute maximum of the time permitted for the request. This
will allow an ASP page, for example, to complete in time if the
operation is too slow due to network problems or some other
The connection timeout cannot be controlled through NetProbe.
The different protocols have different specifics - some are
synchronous, others are network related and a "connection
timeout" setting may have or may not have any meaning with
certain protocol. If you want to relay on the protocol settings
just set a big value to the Timeout property (such as 80000 -
about one day). |
Perform request |
 |
variable = Request(url) |
This method sends/performs the
url is a string that is the requested full URL - without
any bookmark information (#anchorname).
returned value - Boolean. The result of the operation -
True means success, False failure/timeout.
The url parameter may include parameters (?parameters
Remarks: In synchronous mode (default) the
method will not return until the request is completed
(successfully or not). In asynchronous mode the method will
return immediately and the application will need to sink the
NetProbe events in order to determine the request progress and
One NetProbe instance can handle only one request at a time.
The method will return an error if another request is started
but not yet completed. |
 |
Asynch |
(Boolean) Request mode. Default is
False (synchronous). See the Request method for details. |
 |
CancelRequest |
Cancels any request in action. (Can
be called from any thread) |
Access the response |
 |
ResponseText(bUnicode, lCP) |
(string) The response as text. The
application should determine if the response is text by
inspecting the ResponseMIME property.
bUnicode - Boolean (optional, default is False). The
response data will be treated as unicode text.
lCP - long (optional, defaults to ANSI code page). If the
bUnicode is False (default) this code page will be used to
convert the response data to string.
Remarks: As like the Response property this
property can be read many times. The response data is not
deleted/released after reading the property. To clean the last
request - call CancelRequest. |
 |
Response |
(binary data) The response as binary
data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY). See also ResponseText.
Remarks: The application may read the response
as text and as binary data and as both if this can be of some
use. |
 |
ResponseMIME |
(string) Response MIME type as
reported. If nothing is reported by the protocol the property
will return application/octet-stream. |
 |
ResponseHeaders |
(string) Any headers reported with
the response.
Remarks: This property has a meaning only with
HTTP and HTTPS protocols. |
 |
ErrorCode |
(long) The result of the operation.
0 - means success, any other value is an error code.
Value of (-1) is reserved for time out error. Other
values are protocol specific.
Remarks: Note that NetProbe does
support automatic mechanism for error recognition only for
standard internet protocols such as HTTP/HTTPS, FTP and so on.
In general the Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols are different -
some may prefer to return success and prepare an error page for
the user instead of indicating the error by returning a failure
code. Depending on their design the error detection will require
different logic and sometimes will be possible only by
inspecting the returned content. This may happen also with HTTP
protocol - if you are using proxy server that returns success
and user friendly error page (most commercial proxies work
correctly and this will not be a problem). Also even if a HTTP
proxy returns an error code it could be different than the real
HTTP error code.
When working with custom protocols it is strongly recommended
to review their documentation and write some test scripts to
check the returned information and find out how the errors can
be detected. In general service/supplementary protocols such as
res: or mk: are designed for usage in other applications in the
background and will be very easy to use but others may target
the users directly (designed to show HTML pages for example) and
may prefer to never return an error that can be automatically
detected. |
 |
ErrorText |
(string) Supplied by some protocols
and the NetProbe itself if the error is generated internaly. |
Synchronization (these
methods are meaningful mostly if the freethreaded version is
used) |
 |
IsBusy |
(Boolean) Returns True if a request
is in progress and False otherwise. |
 |
variable = Borrow(bWait) |
These two methods are
optional. They may help an application to maintain pools of
NetProbe objects.
Borrow - requests ownership. If bWait is set to True the
method will wait for up to 60 seconds the object to be freed by
its other clients. If bWait is False the method will return
The return result is Boolean - True if the ownership is obtained
and False if not.
Free - frees the object.
Remarks: These two methods are just helpers.
They allow the applications to implement in a simple manner
custom object pooling logic. For example an ASP application may
construct several NetProbe objects and save them into the ASP
Application object's collection and then use the first free (not
owned) object available. This technique is not needed if the
application needs only a few requests and only in some rare
situations but in case of high traffic implementing pooling
mechanisms may give the application much more opportunities. |
 |
Free() |
Events |
 |
OnOpenRequest |
Fired when the request starts |
 |
OnFinishRequest(bSuccess) |
Fired when the request finishes.
bSuccess - is True if the operation completed successfuly, and
False if the operation failed. |
 |
OnProgress(progress, max) |
Fired during the operation to
indicate the progress.
progress - (long number) current progress
max - maximum amount of work expected
Remarks: Note that many protocol handlers
report incorrect or inaccurate progress values. |
 |
infoText) |
Fired with the OnProgress event.
nType - code (long) - information type.
infoText - string - an information text. |