SQLite3 COM Execute result
All the Execute, VExecute, CExecute and AExecute SQLite3 COM methods return data in the same manner. When the query(-ies) executed with one of them return some data (SELECT queries for example) it is packed in a result collection which is described below.

The result collection is implemented using VarDictionary objects, thus each node in it is a VarDictionary object over which you can use any of the VarDictionary's object methods or properties. For example VarDictionary supports powerful Clone feature that enables you create copies of parts of the data in a single simple statement. See VarDictionary documentation for more information. In the description below the most frequently used VarDictionary features are cited as they apply to the result collection. 

For the description below assume you have called one of the Execute methods like this:

Set result = db.Execute("one or more queries from which some return some results")

result - the root object of the result collection

result.Info - The last insert row ID. This is the row ID or the primary key value of the last record inserted using an INSERT statement. example: lastid = result.Info

result(N) - where N can be integer between 1 and result.Count. Refers to the N-th row in the result. For example you can use Set row = result(i) to assign the i-th row to a variable. 

result(N)(M) - where M is between 1 and result(N).Count. Refers to the value of the M-th field in the row N.

result(N)(field_name) - where field_name is the name of a field in the row. Refers to the value of the field named field_name. 

result(N).Key(M) - where M is between 1 and result(N).Count. Refers to the name of the M-th field in the row.

result(N).Count - the count of the fields in the row.

result(N).Info - Refers to the type information for the row. It contains the types of each field in it. Depending on the TypeInfoLevel property it is returned in the following forms:

TypeInfoLevel = 0 A collection containing the variant type constant corresponding to the field's value type. The type of a field is obtained like this: t = result(N).Info(M) where M can be field index in the row (1 to result(N).Count) or a field name. The type value can be one of the following values:
vbLong (3) - integer 
vbDouble (5) - double precision floating point number
vbString (8) - text (string)
8209 - BLOB (can be also specified in VBScript as vbArray Or vbByte)
vbNull (1) - Null

TypeInfoLevel = 2 or A collection containing the type names corresponding to the field's value type. The type of a field is obtained like this: t = result(N).Info(M) where M can be field index in the row (1 to result(N).Count) or a field name. The type value can be one of the following values:
INTEGER - integer 
REAL - double precision floating point number
TEXT - text (string)
BLOB - binary data
NULL - Null value

TypeInfoLevel = 1 or 3  A string of the type names separated with ; (semi-colon). To obtain the field's type you need first to use the Split function over the type info:
arrTypeInTheRowN = Split(result(N).Info,";")
and then refer to the field index - 1:
t = arrTypeInTheRowN(M - 1)
Generally this is not the most convenient way to query the field type, but it is preserved for backward compatibility with SQLite COM. The type names are the same as in the previous case: INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, BLOB, NULL.

result.Count - the number of the rows in the result.

result.Key(N) - returns the index of the query which have produced the N-th row. The Execute methods can execute more than one query in a single call. Thus the returned data could be a combined result from more than one query. Using the result.Key(N) you can keep track of the query - data row connection. Usually the developers execute the queries that return data one by one, but sometimes executing many queries in a single call may be worthwhile - saving some code typing work. 


Assume table T has fields A and B, table X has fields Y and Z. We will query the both tables in single call and display their contents putting the type of each value in brackets after it.

db.TypeInfoLevel = 1
Set result = db.Execute("SELECT FROM T; SELECT * FROM X;")
Response.Write "Table T:" & <BR>
I = 1
While I <= result.Count And result.Key(I) = 1
  Response.Write "A:" & result(I)("A") & "(" & result(I).Info("A") & "), B:" & result(I)("B") & "(" & result(I).Info("B") & ")<BR>"
  I = I + 1
Response.Write "Table X:" & <BR>
While I <= result.Count And result.Key(I) = 2
  Response.Write "Y:" & result(I)("Y") & "(" & result(I).Info("Y") & "), Z:" & result(I)("Z") & "(" & result(I).Info("Z") & ")<BR>"
  I = I + 1


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