Storages & Files Record based access

Record based access to streams is a powerful feature that allows DB-like manner to be used when working with files or other streams. Even without the true DB features like indexing, SQL and so on - record based access is well known and used widely by the C++, Pascal and VB programmers. However the script languages do not provide such tools and even the compiled languages often need a bit more functionality and COM compatibility.

The classes involved are SFField, SFRecord and SFFilter. In general the flat files are well-known and there is nothing unusual in this set of objects - SFRecord uses SFField objects to describe the structure of a single record. Then SFRecord is bound to a stream through a SFFilter object and allows the application to navigate through the stream as set of records. The navigation includes random access, MovePrev/MoveNext and other capabilities. Probably the only specific is the SFFilter object. In most cases the programming tools which support random accessed files leave the encoding problems to the application, but here the SFFilter object is supposed to do the job - e.g. UNICODE to ANSI conversion or byte ordering. Custom filters can be implemented by other developers and used with binary streams which require some other features or encoding. The library contains only one default SFFilter that is enough for the Windows applications, but if certain application needs to process data generated on other OSes it may need to implement custom filter if the data requires specific conversion.

Also the SFFilter object can be used directly to gain direct access to the binary stream and read/write single values from/to it. This can be very useful if the application deals with complex file formats and needs to read some headers and other parts with non-record based nature. The type of the value read/written is specified by the application so every supported data type can be read/written from/to any position of a stream. Still the application can benefit of the built-in encoding capabilities of the filter and after specifying the settings it will not need to care about the string conversion from/to UNICODE/ANSI for example. However the direct usage requires deep knowledge about the file format processed and the data types and their sizes in COM. One little example are the MP3 files. You need to know how to read 32 bits - e.g. which type used in the script languages is 32 bits long (VT_I4 - vbLong in VBScript).

How this works?

Record based access to streams

The full structure involved in the record based access to streams includes (as shown on the picture): one SFRecord object, many SFField objects, one SFFilter object and a stream object. The application deals directly with the SFRecord object and its fields (the SFField objects attached to the record) and usually does not need to access the other objects in the chain.

The SFRecord object has navigation members (such as Move, MoveNext, MovePrev etc.). The application is responsible to construct the chain and after that point the operations are done by navigating through the records and using the ReRead and Update methods if needed. In other words the process is very DB-like. But what happens inside?

SFRecord together with the SFFields configured is a a definition of an abstract record that contains the data defined by the fields in the same order as the fields appear in the record itself. For example there could be an integer field, then a text field with length 20 characters, then a Boolean field and so on. However this information is not enough to define how the data will be written/read to/from the stream itself. The string can be saved as UNICODE but also it can be saved in ANSI character set. The numbers can be in Intel byte order (less significant bytes first) or they can be stored with Motorola byte order (most significant bytes first). In general such kind of coding problems are global for the stream - e.g. in almost any possible case all the strings are encoded the same way and the numbers are ordered in same manner throughout the entire stream (in all the records). Therefore it is efficient to configure such kind of parameters somewhere in the middle between the record definition which is formal and the real stream which is most likely a physical storage. And the SFFilter object is the object responsible to do this.

The SFFilter's role does not end with pre-coding of the data but also includes some advanced features - like buffering. So the SFFilter object incorporates capabilities allowing the SFRecord or the application directly (see the next section) to read/write values of specified type/size from/to the stream without need to care about their representation. Of course the filter must be configured before using it but after that point the physical representation is no longer of concern for the using application.

To simplify the development process SFRecord and the SFFilter are tightly integrated internally and the default behavior of the SFRecord object includes implicit creation and configuration of a SFFilter object when binding to a stream. The application can access the implicitly created filter through the SFRecord.Filter property and change some settings. This limits the initialization process to the record definition only (defining the fields) and optionally a line or two to set specific settings to the filter when needed. We decided to implement this default behavior as the most efforts saving one, but the flexibility is not forgotten. A custom filter can be passed to the SFRecord in binding operations and also the filter can be accessed directly when the application needs to bypass the SFRecord defined abstract structure. The developer may choose how deep he needs to go and there is no need to understand all the details at once in order to use the objects.

A simple illustration of a typical process:

We suppose the naxp1vbs.asp file has been included (for named constants).

The application opens the stream

Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set strm = sf.OpenFile("C:\Myrecords.bin",cSFR)

Now we need to create SFRecord

Set rec = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFRecord")

And configure it - add the fields. We suppose we know the record structure. The structure of the record can be known for the application by design or can be extracted from a saved description - for example configuration file.

rec.AddField "Field1", vbString, 20
rec.AddField "Field2", vbLong

Bind the record to the stream using the default filter (implicitly created)

rec.BindTo strm

Perform filter configuration if needed. Suppose we know the texts in the file are ANSI, but UNICODE is default for the filter so we need to change this.

rec.Filter.unicodeText = False

As we changed the filter configuration we need to give it chance to recalculate the record physical representation and we need to ReBind the record.


Now we are ready to use the record. Lets read 5 records beginning from the 5-th record.

If Not rec.Move(5, cStreamBegin) Then
  ' Error handling code
End If
For I  = 1 To 5
  Response.Write rec("Field1") & " " & rec("Field2")
  If Not rec.MoveNext Then 
    ' Exit cycle/sub/function
  End If

The Move methods return True if the record has been read and False otherwise. So we can determine end of the file by using the return value, but we can do it in more DB-like manner - lets read the entire file and print the records with Field2 >10:

While Not strm.EOS
  If rec("Field2").Value > 10 Then
    Response.Write "Field1 = " & rec("Field1") & ", Field2=" & rec("Field2").Value
  End If

And finish our work. This can be omitted if the script ends here and the objects will not be reused.


Similar is the process if we are going to write or read/write the stream. Note that we check the EOS property over the stream object and not over the record. The SFRecord object uses the stream position kept by the stream - this allows the SFRecord to operate without too much dependencies on stream features. For example using the Read/Write methods of SFRecord instead of navigational methods (MoveXXXX) it can be used to read or write sequentially records from non-seekable stream. Another benefit is ability to change the stream position and re-read the record from the new position and then navigate from it. In other words the simple usage makes the stream (file or anything else) to look like a DB table, but we are also able to break this rule and position the record on random position in the stream and continue.

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