The returned tree contains all the version data about the file. The
method never fails instead the result is reported in the collection
itself. The returned data tree is compatible with the ConfigFile
object and can be stored/sent through it. Suppose the following line
has been exectued:
Set vi = o.GetVersionInfo(some_file_path)
The result will contain:
vi("Result") - integer 0 - if version information
cannot be extracted, 1 - if successful
vi("ResultDescription") - String describing the
result of the operation.
If version information is avaiable:
vi("Signature") - integer: system supplied signature
(see MSDN for details - not useful for scripting applications)
vi("Version") - Record containing the 4 version
Set v = vi("Version")
v(1) - Major version, high significant. (The value can be
referred also as: v("MajorMS")
v(2) - Major version, less significant. (The value can be
referred also as: v("MajorLS")
v(3) - Minor version, high significant. (The value can be
referred also as: v("MinorMS")
v(4) - Minor version, less significant. (The value can be
referred also as: v("MinorLS")
vi("VarFileInfo")("Translation") -
contains a list of values describing the contained version information
sections (see below).
Set t = vi("VarFileInfo")("Translation")
Contains a number of records with two values. The first value of
each record contains the Language code, the second contains the
CodePage. The names of the records are constructed as strings
containing 8 digits. First 4 match the Language code, the next 4
match the CodePage. For example a record for the English version
information will has these values:
t("040904b0")("Language") will contain 1033
t("040904b0")("CodePage") will contain 1200
of course the values can be referred by index as well:
t("040904b0")(1) will contain 1033
t("040904b0")(2) will contain 1200
For each record of the above list exists a section which contains
the actual strings set by the vendor. It is accessed as follows:
Set v = vi("StringFileInfo")(translation)
Where translation is one of the record names in
the translation section. For example for the English strings it will
look like:
Set v = vi("StringFileInfo")("040904b0")
The section contains some of these records (set by the vendor):
v("FileDescription") - description of the file
v("Comments") - comments
v("CompanyName") - Company name of the vendor
v("FileVersion") - File version in string
v("InternalName") - Internal file name
v("LegalCopyright") - Legal copyright
v("LegalTrademarks") - Treademarks
v("OriginalFilename") - original file name
v("ProductName") - Product name (the file is
probably part of a product)
v("ProductVersion") - Product version in string
v("PrivateBuild") - Private build text (rarely
v("SpecialBuild") - Special build notes