read only property (with parameters)
Returns information about the code page and local support installed
on the system.
Set coll = object.SystemLanguageSupport( [what [,flags]])
what - numeric constant. Specifies what information to be
extracted. Default is 0. Currently supported constants:
0 - System code pages
1 - System locales
flags - a combination of flags. Default is 1 (Installed
code pages or installed locales). The meaning of the flags:
&H01 - installed
&H02 - Supported
&H04 - Alternative sorts (can be used only for locales:
what = 1)
Most often the applications will need to fetch information about the
installed features, so the default flag value is 1. When locales are
queried a combination of installed or supported with the alternative
sorts flag can be used. So in this case the effective parameter will
be &H05 (installed locales and their alternative sorts).
Return result: The property returns a collection
implemented using the VarDictionary object. Each element contains a
string that describes a code page or a locale. To make the
collection convenient for various applications the key/name of each
element equals its value (for example this allows you to test if
certain code page is supported by using the Key method e.g. coll.Key("1252")
asks if 1252 code page is in the collection). The result can be
enumerated or otherwise used further.
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set codepages = sf.SystemLanguageSupport(0,1)
If codepages("1251") = "1251" Then
Response.Write "Cyrillic code page is installed on this machine"
Response.Write "Cyrillic code page is NOT installed on this machine"
End If
Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set codepages = sf.SystemLanguageSupport(0,1)
Response.Write "Installed code pages<BR>"
For I = 1 To codepages.Count
Response.Write codepages(I) & "<BR>"
The realization of this member returns "detached" data.
I.e. the result returned is a snap shot of what was detected during
the method call. If you need the fetched information throughout the
application it is recommended to keep the collection somewhere and
query it whenever the information is needed instead of calling the
property frequently. This recommendation comes from the realization
of these features in the Windows OS. It requires application level
locking and thus during the call the performance of other routines
from the library may decrease.
Usually the information is needed before the actual application
work. It can be used by ALP applications that need to know if they
can display correctly texts in a specific language. Almost any code
page contains the ASCII symbols as subset, but if the applications
needs to display information in language other then English (for
example Russian or Japanese) it should try to see first if the
system has the required code page installed. For the list of some of
the most popular code page numbers you can see SFStream.codePage.
Applies to: SFMain
Supported on:
Windows 95/NT and later
Windows CE 3.0 and later
Pocket PC/Windows Mobile 2003 and later
Windows CE.NET 4 and later