Storages & Files TypeConvertor

See also object creation information - ClassID/ProgID 

The TypeConvertor object implements set of functions that extend the script languages. It is well-known that some script languages do not support some useful features - like detailed type conversion (JScript) or bit wise operations (VBScript). This object provides such methods. We will be glad to hear suggestions from you - we will add any other function often needed by the scripters but not available in all the scripting languages.

method.gif (107 bytes) Conv Syntax:
variable = object.Conv(type, inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to the type specified by the type parameter. It should be one variant type constants (see the AXPack1 constants

method.gif (107 bytes) CBool Syntax:
variable = object.CBool(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Boolean (VT_BOOL)

method.gif (107 bytes) CByte Syntax:
variable = object.CByte(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Byte (VT_UI1)

method.gif (107 bytes) CCur Syntax:
variable = object.CCur(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Currency (VT_CY)

method.gif (107 bytes) CDate Syntax:
variable = object.CDate(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to OLE date format (VT_DATE)

method.gif (107 bytes) CDbl Syntax:
variable = object.CDbl(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Double precision floating point value (VT_R8)

method.gif (107 bytes) CInt Syntax:
variable = object.CInt(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Integer (VT_I2). Warning to C++ programmers - this is equivalent to short. Automation tradition names the two byte signed integers just Integer.

method.gif (107 bytes) CLng Syntax:
variable = object.CLng(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Long Integer (VT_I4)

method.gif (107 bytes) CSng Syntax:
variable = object.CSng(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to Single precision floating point value (VT_R4)

method.gif (107 bytes) CStr Syntax:
variable = object.CStr(inVariable)

Converts the inVariable to String (VT_BSTR)

method.gif (107 bytes) BitOr Syntax:
variable = object.BitOr(x,y)

Performs logical "Or" operation on bits of the passed parameters and returns the result. The parameters are first converted to Long Integers.

method.gif (107 bytes) BitAnd Syntax:
variable = object.BitAnd(x,y)

Performs logical "And" operation on bits of the passed parameters and returns the result. The parameters are first converted to Long Integers.

method.gif (107 bytes) BitXor Syntax:
variable = object.BitXor(x,y)

Performs logical "XOR" (eXclusive OR) operation on bits of the passed parameters and returns the result. The parameters are first converted to Long Integers.

method.gif (107 bytes) BitNeg Syntax:
variable = object.BitNeg(x)

Inverts the bits of  the passed parameter and returns the result. The parameter is first converted to Long Integer.

method.gif (107 bytes) BitLeft Syntax:
variable = object.BitLeft(x,positions)

Shifts the bits of the x left positions. The parameters are first converted to Long Integers.

method.gif (107 bytes) BitRight Syntax:
variable = object.BitLeft(x,positions)

Shifts the bits of the x right positions. The parameters are first converted to Long Integers.

method.gif (107 bytes) VariantType Syntax:
variable = object.VariantType(v)

Returns a number that specifies the type of the value v. You can test the returned value against the type constants.


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