- Read/write Boolean value. true means the collection is a
section, false - means the collection is a record. It is not
recommended to change it unless you are not doing some specific
- Read only String. Corresponds to the value of the Type
property. Returns a readable name for the type - "Section"
and respectively "Record".
- Read/write String. Corresponds to the class name information for
the sections. It is ignored during the save process if the Type is record.
This string is important if you are changing a configuration file of
a program that uses these class names for automatic class creation
over the data structure, but if you are using the corresponding file
for your own purposes you can use this property on your decision.
When the data structure (tree of collections) is obtained from a Read method of
the ConfigFile object you are using the node info
(accessible through the VarDictionary's Info property) to determine
the type of the branch. I.e. you determine what can be found in this
collection - values (if it is a record) or other sections and
records (if it is a section). If you know exactly the structure of
your file this information will not be important unless you are not
writing a little code for consistency checking, but if your code
tries to "understand" unknown structure the node info
helps you in the navigation.
Type property is read/write but changing it can make
impossible to save the structure using the Write method of the
TextConfig class. For example changing a section to record will
cause write method to issue errors if the record contains items that
are sections. But if you are sure the section contains only values -
then it is possible and meaning depends only one the purpose of the
file and data. Thus if you are going to do such a "tricks"
first review all the remarks sections in this documentation in order
to avoid errors caused by wrong change of the types. If you are not
going to save the data from the structure - there is no problem to
change the Type property, but such a change can be of use