Read only indexed property. Retrieves the key
name corresponding to the passed index or name.Syntax:
variable = object.Key(key_or_index)
IDL definition:
[propget, id(3), helpstring("property Key")] HRESULT Key([in] VARIANT VarKey, [out, retval] VARIANT *pVal);
object - Previously created VarDictionary object
variable - variable that will receive the key name
key_or_index - numeric or string value specifying an item index
(1-based) or key name
var name = vardict.Key(3)
var name2 = vardict.Key("Item 3")
Dim name,name2
name = vardict.Key(3)
name2 = vardict.Key("Item 3")
If the key_or_index passed to the property is a string. Then the property
returns the same string if it names an item in the collection.
If the key_or_index is not found error
"Key not found" will be generated. The same is true if the
collection allows unnamed items (see allowUnnamedValues).
Applies to: VarDictionary
See also: Item property, Add method