newobjectscollections.dl currently contains the
following classes:
- VarDictionary
- implements collection/dictionary of variants.
- UtilStringList
- implements collection of unnamed
- CustomLock - implements critical section lock for misc. purposes.
Class names and IDs:
- VarDictionary
- Threading model: Both
- ProgID: newobjects.utilctls.VarDictionary
- CLSID: {94A837CE-193F-11D5-999C-0040332BA2EA}
- Threading model: Free
- ProgID:
- CLSID: {E5178F02-D68A-4e85-8583-1E329A6B010F}
- UtilStringList
- Threading model: Both
- ProgID: newobjects.utilctls.StringList
- CLSID: {94A837D0-193F-11D5-999C-0040332BA2EA}
- Threading model: Free
- ProgID:
- CLSID: {C93086FD-276F-4a9d-9962-1FD81768BB4A}
- CustomLock
- Threading model: Free
- ProgID: newObjects.utilctls.CustomLock
- CLSID: {EFC453AE-071E-40DF-A679-A8867C3C6088}
Note that older versions of these collections
were implemented in separate DLL (newobjectscollections.dll). After installing
the newobjectspack1.dll the older dll can be safely removed.