ALP ALPFrame command line
ALPFrame supports command line parameters and registers supplementary URL protocol in the system. Using them you can create start menu shortcuts that invoke your application(s) in the ALPFrame or start part or entire site with ALPFrame from within the Microsoft Internet Explorer.

The ALPFrame command line may consist of the following parts:

<path to>\ALPFrame.exe [/RegProtocol | /RegProtocolAndContinue] [/FixLMLockdown] [URL]

Command line

Option: /RegProtocol
Registers the alpframe:// supplementary protocol (see below for more information about it). After registering the protocol the application closes. This option is good for setups only!

Option: /RegProtocolAndContinue
Registers the alpframe:// supplementary protocol (see below for more information about it). The application remains open after registering the protocol and processes the passed URL (if any).

/FixLMLockdown - Forces Local Machine lockdown unlock. ALPFrame will automatically detect if there is such a need, but this option can be used to force the check (Windows XP SP2 and later).

Parameter URL: Any string passed to the ALPFrame as a command line parameter is converted to URL and used as a start page.
If the passed string is a valid URL - for example alp://c:/site or then ALPFrame just opens it.
If the passed string is a local path then:

If it is a full physical path ALPFrame converts it to an ALP URL. For example ALPFrame.exe c:\site will open alp://c:/site.

If it is relative local path ALPFrame will calculate the full ALP URL using the current directory. For example if the current directory is c:\sites and ALPFrame is invoked by ALPFrame.exe site1\start.asp then alp://c:/sites/site1/start.asp will be the start page.

By using these options you can create start menu icons that invoke ALPFrame with your application - you do not need to generate correct ALP URL - the physical path will be automatically converted. Note that if you have spaces in the specified path you will need to enclose it in " ".

Special behavior is implemented if the URL parameter is a physical path and file name of an file. This will open the Virtual ALP site designated by this file - i.e. ALPFrame will convert it to URL and open the directory containing this file. When processing the /RegProtocol or /RegProtocolAndContinue options ALPFrame registers itself as handler for site files and double-clicking such a file in an Windows Explorer window will open the Virtual ALP site in ALPFrame.

Supplementary protocol - alpframe://

ALP install registers that protocol but in some other situations you may need to invoke ALPFrame to do so (for example in a setup).

Protocol usage is simple - every URL can be prefixed with alpframe:// and this will instruct the system to start new ALPFrame browser and pass the resting part of the URL to it. For example if you have a page that uses ALPFrame menus and there is a link to it in a page that is opened in IE - alp://c:/site/mypage.asp then you can change this link to alpframe://alp://c:/site/mypage.asp. The same is true for any kind of URL - for example http URL. This way you ensure the page will be opened in the right browser for it. 

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