ALP visible, maximized, minimized properties
These properties are read/write and control some of the most used window presence states.

Syntax and description 

external.visible - read/write, Boolean. Determines if the window is visible or hidden. If set makes it visible (true)  or hidden (false). Example:
external.visible = true;
Shows and activates the ALPFrame window.

external.maximized - read/write, Boolean. Determines if the window is maximized. If set makes it maximized (true) or restores it (false). Example:
external.maximized = true;
Maximizes the ALPFrame window

external.minimized - read/write, Boolean. Determines if the window is minimized. If set makes it minimized (true) or restores it (false). Example:
external.minimized = true;
Minimizes the ALPFrame window


If the window style you use does not contain maximize/minimize window controls you can use minimized and maximized properties to control the window presence. Don't forget to allow the user to restore/unhide the window - for example: if the window is not visible on the taskbar, by minimizing it you can hide it without a way to restore it.

Applies to: external

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