ALP Application settings
The ALP Application settings dialog:

The application settings are the most important settings in ALP. They contain some general settings such as timeouts for the common objects (such as Application and Session in ASP), the working thread priority etc. Also you can associate the file extensions with the ALP modules here.

The left part of the dialog contains an UI for file type to ALP module association.

You can edit the settings for already associated pairs or add new association. Each ALP module has its own settings - for more information click the desired module below:

  • ASP (ScriptGen)
    • ASP pages
    • RAW scripts
  • GateCGI (CGI processor)
  • Simple templates

The right part contains global settings:

  • Mime types
  • Timeouts in minutes for the global objects
  • Output buffer limit - The maximum output size for each request
  • The working thread priority - The normal is the common good setting however on some system Low priority will give better results. High priority is not recommended as it will disturb the browser functionality and the actual result may be even slower performance.

Browser limitations

The options on this screen allow you force the ALP Application in this directory to require ALPFRame browser. If this option is checked the application will fail if started in Internet Explorer with an error message describing that the application is not allowed to run in this browser. In fact internally the option leads to a more restricted requirement - the application will require the version of ALPFrame with which you develop.

Furthermore you can apply more restrictions. Specifying a required Application ID will cause the application to fail unless started in ALPFrame browser that uses configuration (alpframe.cfg) marked with the same Application ID.

These settings have two major purposes:

  1. They prevent the application from running in a browser which lacks features that may be required. For instance you may want to have menus, specific window styles and so on. It is true that if the application has such requirements you will install some shortcuts that will start it in the correct browser, but still, preventing execution in incorrect environment will guarantee that if the user fiddles with the application he/she will be at least informed that what he/she does is incorrect.
  2. Security meaning. With the ALPFrame browsing restrictions you can create ALPFrame browser instances that allow the user run only certain ALP applications and visit only relevant WEB sites. Such configuration will prevent any, even unanticipated, security risk in high sensitive applications. To guarantee that the user will not start the application in unsafe environment by mistake you can specify Application ID in the form shown above and specify the same Application ID in the ALPFrame configuration designed for this application.


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