Adds a custom header to the
Response.AddHeader header_name, header_value
header_name - The name of the header (see the
remarks section for the supported headers in ALP)
header_value - The content of the header. Some headers may
allow empty content.
<% Response.AddHeader ("Content-Disposition",
"attachment") %>
<% Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition",
"attachment" %>
The Content-Type header is more conveniently supported through the ContentType
property and there is no need to set it the hard way.
ALP supports only the following headers:
Content-disposition - Specifies how the response will be
handled. May force the browser to initiate download and save it
under the specified name.
Value syntax:
attachment - forces download, inline - forces the browser to open
the content inline if possible (default)
<filename> - you can specify the file name under which the
download should be saved (makes sense only with attachment).
The general Content-Disposition syntax allows other elements which
are not relevant to usage in normal scenarios.
ALPHeader-ResetSafeEntrance - An ALP specific header. It
resets the status of the safe-entrance feature for the current
directory (Unattended execution protection). See also the ALP
Settings shell extension for the ALP
directory settings. This is useful for security sensitive
applications that want to lock the access to the application to the
default documents only. The page must be in a directory that has (or
inherits) the unattended execution flag set. This flag forces ALP to
issue error if the first page referred in this directory is not one
of the default documents. When a default document is referred once
the directory is unlocked and all the pages can be executed. This
header allows a page to put the lock back. The feature is useful for
applications that want to protect themselves against attacks based
on pre-composed URL that may invoke an ASP page with potentially
dangerous parameters.
ALP recognizes a number of other headers, but none of them has
effect in the current ALP version. The asynchronous pluggable
protocols architecture limits the possible headers for non-HTTP
Applies to: Response object