Item - default, indexed
property - retrieves an item from the collection by its key.
Count - returns the items count.
ItemByIndex - indexed
property - retrieves an item by its numeric 1-based index in collection.
- returns IEnumVariant interface. Standard property required to implement collection
enumeration - never referred directly in the scripts. The returned enumerator contains the
item's key values not the items themself!
Add - Adds new object to the end
of collection.
Clear - Removes all items from
Remove - Removes an item
specified by its key.
RemoveByItem - Removes an
item specified by the item's itself.
RemoveByIndex - Removes
an item specified by its numeric 1-based index in collection.
GetItemIndex - Evaluates
the numeric index of an item specified by ite key.
GetItemKey - Evaluates the
key of an item specified by the item itself.