Version 1.2
- New components and objects - The ALP run-time library now
contains all the AXPack1 family components:
core - (newobjectspack1.dll) is now extended with
several new objects: COMScriptThread,
COMSleeper, Event,
Mutex, Semaphore
- a set of objects allowing you to run scripts as
background threads (running long tasks behind the scene). StringUtilities
- powerful string formatting set of functions compatible
with the C library's printf but supporting many extended
features (especially useful for SQL statements generation).
Improvements in some of the existing objects were implemented:
Composite objects
now initialize while created and can be easily used as ASP
enabled objects (objects with OnStartPage/OnEndPage that
receive internal access to the ASP objects when created).
Various minor additions have been made in some of the other
- (netstreams.dll) a new member of the family. It contains
several objects that allow the application to implement TCP/IP
and IRDA functionality at any level. The objects from
NetStreams library supply the connection - once established a
SFStream object can be attached to it and you can drive it as
like it is a file.
COM - (SQLITECOMUTF8.dll) a new member of the family.
Fully functional zero-configuration SQL database engine and
interface to it in a single DLL. It can be used on the fly
without need of ANY permanent configuration or installation
and it is perfect for autorun scenarios and applications that
want database independent of ADO, Jet and OLEDB. Absolutely no
system updates are needed!
ALP core now incorporates all the standard
processing modules (Content Generators) - ASP, CGI and the others
in the core's DLL (iewebsrv.dll). Therefore the number of the
DLL-s has been lowered and customizing redistribution packages is
a bit easier. Having the modules in the same DLL also removes the
need of data marshaling and the speed is increased 10-30%
depending on the page specifics. The cgstandard.dll and
alpaspcontext.dll are now obsolete and no longer needed (these
were the DLL that contained the standard CG modules before). Yet
the support for external modules is intact and custom processors
can be built like before.
New features in ALP. While the most
interesting new features are in the ALP run-time libraries, ALP
itself now includes some new features.
- Behavior adjustments
- A new IIS compatibilitylevel has been added - 3. See ALP
Settings shell extension - ALP Application settings - settings
about files processed as ASP. If set: 1) Session and
Application will extract values from any objects passed to
them (no longer needed to use
recordset("Field").Value). 2) The returned values
list from Request("FieldName") when the
field/parameter does not exist will act as Empty instead of
empty string. Note! The default setting for IIS
compatibility is 1 and is retained because it is needed in
order to keep ALP compatible with the existing applications.
To make use of this feature you need to create/edit the
settings for all the file types processed by the ASP module in
the ALP application settings for the folder containing your
- Problems fixed
- Previously it was required to have both Application_OnStart
and Session_OnStart defined in global.asa if you intend to use
one of them (i.e. none or both were required) - otherwise the
sessions were lost. Now this is fixed and only the routine
actually used is required in global.asa.
- A problem in ALPFrame has been fixed. Previously it was
impossible to use certain keyboard combinations as
accelerators, now all the supported combinations work
correctly. Now the ALPFrame menus are with higher priority and
whatever you configure comes first. This allows handling
Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V for instance and thus creating copy/paste
functionality in your pages (ALPFrame forbids copy/paste by
default - you need to implement menus and handlers for them in
order to allow it. This allows the application permit these
operations only where the developers wants them).
Version 1.1
- Global.asa support
both global.asa and normal ASP pages)
- Mixed script languages in ASP pages
- Upload (multipart/form-data encoded forms) support
- Miscellaneous additions in ALPFrame and ALPInstall
- ALP Settings shell extension (edit ALP
site/application/directory settings)
- Support for ASP objects
- Bundled with newObjects ActiveX Pack1 and NetProbe (beta -
requires Win2k/XP or later)
- OLE compound files access
- FS access binary and text mode
- Record based access to files and streams
- Protocol independent connectivity (beta - requires Win2k/XP
or later)
- and many other features included (all compatible with IIS as
- Response.Write method now accepts values
non-convertable to string.
- newObjects collections in the ALP package are updated with
the latest version. These components are used in the Request, Session and Application
Version 1.0.5
- This version includes the fix described on the ALP site - problem parsing HTML comments.
- Several mistakes in the documentation are corrected
- UtilStingList collection is extended and
corresponding behavior of the Request collections is corrected to be compatible with ASP
see Request Collections comments for more
- Support for a few new options was added to the ALPInstall. See ALPInstall configuration for details.
- Redirect method was added to the Response object and dummy implementation for Response.Flush
for compatibility reason.
- Support for the Microsoft Script Encoder was added - see "How to use encoded scripts" for details.
- Prebuild redistribution package - containing only the ALP engine (without documentation
and samples) is available for the registered customers.
- Examples showing how to use encoded scripts were included.