Jacked Objects library - win32 |
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Jacked Objects library - win32
This C++ library contains some of the our internal works used for small utility creation or as part of other projects. It's primary target is non-OLE functionality. But in the past months a little COM support was added.
Right now it is not described well - you can try to use h-files as reference. Some samples will be added to the archive soon.
Library covers:
- CGI applications (well covered)
- Dialog based applications (well covered)
- usage as addition to MFC and ATL based projects
- Internal component architecture called JAcked Objects with powerful persistent mechanism
To use library you must copy lib.h and lib.cpp (find them into the projects subdirectory) in your project directory and include lib.cpp in the project. Edit lib.h - comment/uncomment feature definitions to enable disable features. You must include lib.h in every file where library will be used (in MFC projects the right place is stdafx.h)
Jacked Objects targets dynamic object - not C++ language tricks.
If you are not experienced with C++ better delay Jacked Objects usage for the later time when examples will be available.