Returns the description of the last script error.
Inspect this property when script error is occured - After calling the Run method, AddText, AddEventHandler methods or calling script members through
the script property.
The returned collection contains the following elements:
Set coll = host.lastErrorEx
coll("Source") - the error source. ActiveX class name
or script engine name.
coll("Description") - String, description of the
coll("SourceLine") - String, source of the line that
caused the error (if reproted)
coll("Line") - Long integer, line number where the
error occured.
coll("Char") - Long integer, char number in the error
coll("Context") - Long integer, the context ID
specified when the code containing this line was added to the host.
There is no guarantee that every script engine will fully support
contexts. This is ok with Microsoft VBScript and JScript engines but for
3-d party script engines we recomend you to check their documentation
In case of ScriptAggregate object this property returns the error info
from the script engine that caused the error.