ALP ALP Run-time library
The ALP run-time library is a huge set of COM objects that the ASP and RAW scripts can use to their jobs. These objects are all included with Active Local Pages product and the developer does not need to spare any additional efforts to check for their availability or version. They are used through Server.CreateObject or <OBJECT RUNAT=SERVER ... ></OBJECT>
ALP Run-time library (AXPack1 family)
AXPack1 core (newobjectspack1.dll) Streams, Files, File system 
, newObjects.utilctls.SFDrive, newObjects.utilctls.SFStream ,newObjects.binsrv.DirStorage, newObjects.utilctls.SFRecord, newObjects.utilctls.ShellLink, newObjects.utilctls.SFStorage, newObjects.utilctls.IniFile ,newObjects.utilctls.SFField, newObjects.binsrv.FileStream, newObjects.utilctls.SFFilter
Dictionary, collections, arrays
newobjects.utilctls.VarDictionary, newobjects.utilctls.StringList
Custom script hosting
newObjects.utilctls.ScpAggregate, newObjects.utilctls.ScriptManager
Structured data transfer, store, read
String formatting
Threads and synchronization
newObjects.utilctls.COMScriptThread , newObjects.utilctls.CustomLock , newObjects.utilctls.Pack1Creator , newObjects.utilctls.Event , newObjects.utilctls.Mutex , newObjects.utilctls.Semaphore , newObjects.utilctls.COMSleeper
Binary data and conversions
newObjects.utilctls.SFBinaryData , newObjects.utilctls.TypeConvertor
Composite objects
newObjects.utilctls.VaryDisp , newObjects.utilctls.VaryDispCreator
Advanced COM
newObjects.utilctls.COMApartment , newObjects.utilctls.COMThread
NetStreams (NetStreams.DLL) TCP/IP and IRDA communications , , , , ,
SQLite COM (SQLITECOMUTF8.DLL) SQL database engine

To access an object from the run-time library the developer uses one of the following ways:

Using Server.CreateObject method. With it the an ASP page (or a RAW script) creates an instance of the desired object by passing its name - ProgID or ClassID (whichever is preferred by the developer). For example in VBScript:
Set o = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
will instantiate a SFMain object and put it in the variable o.
In JScript this will look this way:
var o = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain");
While this statement looks like the same statement in IIS ASP in ALP it can be used in more ways. For example the above SFMain instantiation can be done by using its ClassID:
Set o = Server.CreateObject("{F86AC6C2-5578-4AE8-808A-DC5DAA78082A}")
Which is ALP sepecific.

Using <OBJECT RUNAT=SERVER ... ></OBJECT> HTML tag. In a regular ASP page this tag is almost fully equivalent to the Server.CreateObject statement, but in global.asa it can be used for much more useful purpose - to extend the ASP object model of the application by adding additional objects always accessible to the regular pages under the name specified by the developer. For example:
<OBJECT RUNAT=SERVER ID="db" PROGID="newObjects.sqlite.dbutf8" SCOPE="Application"></OBJECT>
Creates an SQLite COM database object that can be accessed from any ASP page just referring to a pre-defined variable db. For example in another ASP page you can write db.Execute("SELECT * FROM MyTable") without need to initialize the db variable in that page.

The standard ALP run-time library is in fact the newObjects ActiveX Pack1 family. This is a set of several DLL files that implement wide range of COM classes. They can be considered as core (AXPack1 core) and additions (NetStreams, SQLite COM). The entire library is supplied with ALP, but if the application doesn't use some of the additions the developer can remove the corresponding DLL from the application re-distribution packages to lower their size (the core is used by ALP engine as well and must not be removed).



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