ISAPI Variable Parser (Masquerader) - demo |
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Filter description
(current version - 1.212)
This filter processes through a given URL and transforms it to an execution of a given script with parameters based on the URL. URLs that should be processed are identified by a beginning part, called URL Idetificator, which does not take part in the formation of script parameters. That part should include at minimum the hostname and domain of the server. When searching in its database of URL identifications the filter takes the longest match. The way the filter transforms the part of URL that follows the identification part is called Parsing Scheme. Tree parsing schemes have been defined in that release. (See below for description of each parsing scheme and an illustration). User specifies script name and location and parsing scheme for each URL identification.
Demo version restrictions
The functionality of the demo version is limited to two parsing scheme and in the CGI configuration tool Edit URL options menu is disabled. To edit the options for an URL you must remove it and then add it again. Also there is no serial number.
Filter accepts up to 100 requests and then stops parsing the URLs. You have to restart the web server to activate it again!
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