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ALP is implemented as an Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol. It acts like a WEB server but without need of network. It executes WEB applications such as ASP pages and CGI applications. ALP makes Internet Explorer to be server and client. With ALP you can write stand-alone desktop applications, CD-ROM autoruns, use ASP for pure desktop software and still keep your code ready to run on WEB servers too.
Write desktop software in ASP and CGI!
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ISAPI Authenticator

Low cost ISAPI custom authentication filter. It ships with a centralized administration tool and a separate tool that enables customers, hosting their site on your server, to manage user accounts for this site only. New version 1.51 is available (02 Jan 2001)

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Active Label ActiveX
Barcode ActiveX? Much more - the design and printing inside your WEB application
SQLite3 COM ActiveX embeds the SQLite3 database engine and interface to it. Supports paremeterized views and triggers.
Active Local Pages 1.2
Write desktop apps in ASP and CGI. Create wutorun CDs using WEB technologies - yes it is possible!
ActiveX Pack1 family
Desktop Windows, CE/CE.NET and PocketPC! About 50 powerful components for all the Windows platforms.
AXGate 1.1 (new)
Script dafely any ActiveX in Pocket IE. Build applications in HTML and use local resources and components in them.
IE ScriptBar
Create complex toolbars for Microsoft Internet Explorer easier than you may have expected.

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Storages and Files
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Storages and Files

If you need to write an upload script in ASP you typically begin searching for something that supports binary files and can deal with the data returned by Request.BinaryRead. There is ADO's stream or you may find some other component, but all they are limited in some fashion. Storages and files provide the required functionality, but also give you ability to manage the received data in much more ways than usual. You can just store it in a file(s) or construct archive (OLE compound file) and store several uploads in it - deal with them later may be or use them from the storage directly, feed a memory stream with the received data and treat it as set of records (like a DB). And, of course, you can still pass any part of the data to the ASP or ADO methods that require binary data!

Upload is not the only reason to need access to binary files - you may need to construct a protected download system and send the files through an ASP page. Or you may want to construct download packaging system - user selects what he/she wants to download, your application packs it in one file and user downloads it and unpacks it locally (could be very simple with ALP on the user's machine). We will not try to list here all the possible reasons to access binary files - the benefits are obvious - more features are always a plus. If they are not required today, further enhancements of the application may need them and if they are all in one DLL there is no need to spend time to search more and more components for every particular task.

Have you ever have the synchronization problem with ASP when you need to read/write to a file from many pages concourently? If so - the solution is simple. You just create the free threaded version of SFMain (the root component of the Storages and Files set), then open the desired file and keep it in a Session or Application variable. Thus all the file operations will occur through the same instance of the object and will be automatically synchronized avoiding data loses. If you need better performance do one step further - leave the files. Load the file into the memory and just update the disk file when the application unloads for example. You will be still able to use it as text file or file containing records.

Let see some very simple sample code (more samples are included in the download package):

Let us send a local file to the client:

Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set f = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("somefile.gif"))
Response.ContentType = "image/gif"
Response.BinaryWrite f.ReadBin(f.Size)

Put a file into a storage:

Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set stg = sf.OpenStorage(Server.MapPath("mystorage.stg"))
Set f = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("somefile.gif"))
Set strm = stg.CreateStream("somefile.gif")
f.CopyTo strm, f.Size

The same but if we want to copy to directory will look:

Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
Set stg = sf.OpenDirectory(Server.MapPath("mydirectory"))
Set f = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("somefile.gif"))
Set strm = stg.CreateStream("somefile.gif")
f.CopyTo strm, f.Size

Well in fact in case of directory it can be done in much simple way:

Set sf = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFMain")
sf.CopyFile Server.MapPath("somefile.gif"), Server.MapPath("mydirectory")

But if we want the same code to deal with the both cases it makes sense to treat the directory as storage.

Let us read some records from a file:

Set sf = Server.CreateObject("")
If Not IsObject(Application("TheFile")) Then
  Set Application("TheFile") = sf.OpenFile(Server.MapPath("thefile.bin")
End If
' To shorten the next statements let use a variable
Set f = Application("TheFile") 
Set rec = Server.CreateObject("newObjects.utilctls.SFRecord")
rec.AddField "Name", vbString, 31
rec.AddField "Age", vbLong
rec.AddField "Sex", vbBoolean
rec.AddField "Weight", vbInteger
rec.BindTo f
rec.Filter.unicodeText = False
f.Pos = 0
While Not f.EOS
  Response.Write "Name: " & rec("Name") & " Age: " & reg("Age") & "
" rec.MoveNext Wend Application.Unlock

Looks like a DB, isn't it? But this is just a file. Why using the ASP Application - this ensures all the operations will be performed with the same instance of the SFStream object (the f variable in the sample). By default the files are opened in exclusive mode (can be changed using the optional flags). Using the same object for each operation will ensure the file consistency if some other page attempts write operation for example. If the file is personal for each user session we can use Session instead of Application. Lock method lacks? Not a problem - create one CustomLock object (in this package too), set it in a Session variable and use its Lock and Unlock methods to synchronize the operations.

See the documentation and the samples in the package for more information.

Copyright newObjects (ZmeY soft) 2001-2005